My studio has developed from an easel hidden in my closet to a full-blown studio taking over my guest bedroom! Over the last few years my love for creating has exceeded my expectations. From watching Bob Ross to painting alongside his creations, I've found my style as well as what inspires me to create. The summer after graduating high school I was obsessed with how Bob Ross created stunning masterpieces in 22 minutes! Soon after watching him create wonderful paintings, I then decided to paint along with the master. It was incredible to me how he was able to use oil paint in a way I had never seen before. While oil paint is a more difficult medium to work with as it takes many days to dry, it provides the most vivid colors. Considering this, I was discouraged when I came upon the realization that oil paint was not my cup of tea. Experimenting with different art mediums allowed me to discover my love for acrylic paint! While oil paint had more vivid colors, acrylic paints are opaquer and dry at an incredible rate. Once my love for creating met my love for acrylic paint, my art career blossomed into what it is today! Currently an entire 8'x 10' wall in my studio is filled floor to ceiling with every color of acrylic paint imaginable; Yet I find myself levitating around the same comfort colors that speak to me. The majority of my work consists of a similar color palette that ranges from dark brown to neon pink, but it changed based on the aesthetics of the painting. One day in the near future I will open a studio and gallery outside of my home, but for now I'll find comfort in my peaceful little studio! Even if your studio is just an easel on the floor DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Keep moving forward and do what you love! Trust me, you won't regret it:)